Contact us: 800-548-5189

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you own more than $1,000 worth of silver, silver-plated ware, or pewterware?
If yes, you may want to increase your theft coverage above this standard limit.

Are you aware that you can reduce your insurance cost by increasing your deductible?
Raising it to $500.00 or $1,000.00 will help hold down insurance costs.1

Are you operating a business in your home?
Homeowners policies provide only limited protection against theft, fire or liability for home business operators. A separate in-home business policy can cost as little as $75.00 per year.

Are you planning any remodeling or additions (including a deck) over $5,000.00?
If so, call your agent before starting.

Do you own a boat or trailer worth more than $1,000.00?
Your homeowners policy usually includes coverage for this amount. A more expensive boat needs a separate policy.

Is the amount of insurance on your home enough to rebuild it at today's prices?
Replacement cost coverage often limits the amount you can collect on your home to 125% to 150% on the dwelling coverage. Check with your agent!

Do you have other structures on your premises which you rent to others?
If yes, you probably need additional insurance to protect against property damage and tenant injuries.

How can you reduce insurance costs with teenagers in the home?
Insure your teen on their own policy with their auto and exclude them from your policy.

Is it a good idea to "put all my eggs in one basket" with only one insurance company insuring my home and auto?
Usually,it is since most companies offer a home and auto discount which will save you money. There are exceptions which an independent agent can explore.

Should I call my insurance agent before I purchase a new car?
Since a model variation or engine size can change your auto insurance cost, the answer is "yes," especially if a teen is involved as a driver.

For more insurance insight, visit our "Did you know" series.